Trends aren’t only for indoors — the landscape at your home can be considered on-trend, too. A well-cultivated yard can not only increase your home value, but will also give you an instant staycation. Some of these trends make upkeep less strenuous as well. Here are our top picks for landscape trends this year.

Easy to Maintain

The amount of upkeep for a stellar yard can be a deterrent for homeowners and homebuyers alike. The trend this year, though, is to create landscapes that are easier to maintain. Advancements in smart home technology have made its way to the lawn with the rise of programmable irrigation and automated lawn mowers. These take the burden off the homeowner as far as yard work, while also making upkeep more efficient and eco-friendly. As for low-maintenance plants, stick with perennials and remove trees and shrubs that provide no benefit, only mess (like dropping leaves in water features).

Statement Pieces or Focal Point

Take outdoor structures like sheds, workshops, and fireplaces and turn them into a focal point of your yard. Instead of trying to hide these structures (especially necessary ones like sheds or equipment boxes), get creative and build a garden around them. There are even some kits you can order for more attractive workspaces, like this one.


If you don’t light your yard, you can really only take advantage of it during the day. Lighting can be interesting, too. Think of the variety of string lights, edison bulbs, and even light-up planters. Since lighting outdoor spaces is so often an afterthought, it can make a big impact when done correctly.

Edible Gardens

With the latest trend in knowing where your food comes from, growing your own produce and herbs has become more and more commonplace. It’s easier now more than ever to grow your own food without a ton of land, too. Look into potted gardens, raised beds, vertical planters, and hanging plants.

Curb Appeal

An impactful entrance to your house can really up the wow factor and curb appeal. There are simple things you can do to revamp your entrance like added scented plants, lighting along your walkway, and flowers that complement your front door.